What Makes eCircle So Different?
The eCircle Success System is revolutionary because it teaches you an approach that has you be a recognized authority and stand out from the sea of sameness. Hundreds of coaches and consultants have added 6 to 7 figures a year to their practice using the methods we teach in the eCircle Success System. But how can you know if you are doing it right?
We know how hard it is to grow your coaching business, and we have helped dozens of coaches and consultants add $250,000 — $2 million a year to their business by standing out as a recognized authority in their space. And when you stand out as a recognized thought leader, clients start seeking you out, your marketing and sales efforts become way more effective, and your customers become converted into a sales force with a winning message.
The eCircle Live Immersion Workshop is taught by Nicky Billou and his team of world class experts. Nicky is the cofounder of eCircle Academy, a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Georgetown University’s M.Sc. in Foreign Service Program, and has studied business growth and ethical persuasion for decades. He’s an international bestselling author, host of the #1 podcast for thought leaders. He has helped dozens of business owners, coaches, and consultants became recognized thought leaders and grow their business by 6 to 8 figures a year. Nicky isn’t some professor in an ivory tower. He gets into the trenches with his clients, locks arms with them like family members, and has helped the majority of them add 6 to 7 figures in their business. Dozens of Nicky’s clients have dramatically increased their revenue after learning the eCircle Success System.
In the 3-day eCircle Immersion Workshop, you will 1. Get step-by-step guidance to help you nail your expertise, turn it into world-class intellectual property, and monetize it. 2. Learn a unique, proven methodology for growing you business that’s worked for over a 1000 people, and it can work for you too, and 3. Be in high-level network of successful, like-minded coaches, because who you hang around matters.
As a solo entrepreneur, trying to grow your business by yourself is the biggest reason why you’re struggling. We get that, because that was our experience too. Being part of a tribe of like-minded people, led by caring leaders committed to your success, is the surest way to accelerate your business growth. Coaches that become recognized thought leaders win in the marketplace. Register for the eCircle Immersion Workshop today and spend 3 days with Nicky Billou. Why? Because nobody will know how good a coach you are and how much they need you until you are recognized as THE authority in your space.